Ashoka’s edicts and inscriptions in Brahmi (prakrit language), Greek and Aramaic on pillars and rocks spread across Indian subcontinent were aimed at enunciating his idea of dhamma.
Kandahar Edict of Ashoka, a bilingual inscription (in Greek and Aramaic)

1. History of Ancient India: Reigns of Ashoka by Ranabir Charavarti
2. Ashoka & His Inscription – I by Ranabir Charavarti
3. Ashoka & His Inscription – II by Ranabir Charavarti
4. Ashokan Edicts by ABUL FAZAL Dastagir
Musical rendering of the Edicts
1. The Edict Project | TM Krishna | Ashoka University
2. The Edict Project | T.M. Krishna | Ashoka Edicts | Edition 2
- Rock Inscriptions of Asoka by Cunningham 1879
- Full text of “Inscriptions of Asoka. New Edition by E. Hultzsch txt file | pdf file
- Ashoka’s Edicts by Amulyachandra Sen
- THE EDICTS OF KING ASHOKA An English rendering by Ven. S. Dhammika
- A Translation of the Edicts of Asoka (part II) (anonymous)
- Finding history: the locational geography of Ashokan inscriptions in the Indian subcontinent by Smith, Monica et al
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